Morning Moon…

The moon has been so beautiful and bright this week hanging in the west early morning through midday! I love it. I hope you never get tired of these shots because I can sit and stare at the moon all day and night especially when it’s SO big.

I’m stuck in aperture priority with my 35-70 mm f2.8. Click on the photos for a bigger view.

Taken this morning at 7:45 through the willow tree.


Yesterday morning with a darker exposure around the same time.


Yesterday out my kitchen window, over the neighbor’s roof, and through the birdfeeder. Two points!


TGIF everyone! —Angela a.k.a. Jolinta as my dad used to say.

Rain Drops…

It rained seriously hard the day before yesterday. That’s all the motivation I need to take a picture. The cars in the distance were parents waiting for the bus to rescue their children from the downpour. Great opportunity to practice and demonstrate perfect circles of specular highlights at a wide open aperture. I think this is an interesting image. Wouldn’t you know, the weather is beautifully sunny today. Gotta love Texas. Have a good one!

Aperture priority, 35-70mm at ISO 6400. Exposed for 1/1000 sec at f2.8. Focal length 70mm.rain drops

Dried Salvia…

More practice with specular highlights. The hexagonal dots are created by the shape of the aperture. The only way to achieve perfectly round highlights is to shoot at a completely wide open aperture which in my case, would have been 1.8. I like the interest the hexagonal shapes add to the photo. Hope you are enjoying your weekend! –Angela

Aperture priority. 50 mm f1.8, ISO 800 and exposed for 1/180 sec at f8.Dried Salvia

You Highlight My Life…

“In close-up photography, any out-of-focus spots of light appearing inside the viewfinder will record on digital media or film in the shape of the aperture in use. Additionally, the distance between the main subject and the background lights determines just how large and diffused the out-of-focus spots will be. The spots are called specular highlights.” — Bryan Peterson, from Understanding Exposure.

Aperture priority, 50mm at ISO 100. Exposed for 1/350 sec at f2.8.specular highlights

Female Peacock Actually Male…

Yesterday I posted this photo of what I thought was the female peacock…


In fact, the photo above is a young male that does not yet have a full tail. I looked in my photos and I must not have taken an image of the female, most likely because she was not as impressive as the males. I remember making a funny comment to the owner about how it figured the female was nothing special. Sorry, I dissed a sista! But I will make sure that the next time I visit to capture her beauty. If it wasn’t for the women, where would this world be?  Right ladies? Sorry if I ruffled anyones feathers, guys included. 😉


Why do I suddenly feel like reading Dr. Suess?